Monday, December 22, 2008



Well Sydney LOVES Santa(which she calls Ho Ho)
We had to hold her down so other kids could get a turn on Ho Ho's lap. That is how much she loved/loves Santa.

Well we thought Sydney would love to watch "The Polar Express". She loved it till she fell asleep...he was curled up in a lil ball in our recliner and it was only 7pm. She's so stinkin' cute!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008



Hey everyone it is starting to feel like winter now that it has snowed:)
It is just sooo pretty outside. I love the winter. you can have snow days from school and just stay home in your pj's, fuzzy socks, and stay under a warm cover with a cup of hot coco or coffee. So i love taking pics as you know soo here is just a few pics of the snow that i took maybe 15 mins ago:)hope you like and please leave comments.
Hoping to see the Duval family soo.
everyday i think about them:)